Assessment Booking Form & Courses Enrollment Form



Tuition Fee Payment Method Preferred

Preferred Courses Setup


How did you hear about Moon Tuition?

I have read and agreed the following terms

Preferred Class Time

Weekly Hours

Assessment Fee:  £40 + 20% VAT (Maths, English, VR & NVR)

Registration Fee(For new Students only):  £100 + 20% VAT (free books & online homework included) 

(10% discount with annual tuition fee payment in advance)

Group booking discount available:

10% discount for a group of 3

20% discount for a group of 5

30% discount for a group of 8


Termly Tuition Fee (2 hours weekly group sessions price)

If you book 4 hours weekly group sessions with annual payment in advance, you will get extra 2 hours free online group lessons.

NO tuition on any bank holiday.

NO tuition during the holidays except holiday intensive courses. 

Books & workbooks included in the price

Reception & year 1: £500 + 20%VAT per term (Maths, English, , VR &NVR

year 2: £550 + 20%VAT per term (Maths, English, VR &NVR)

year 3: £600 + 20%VAT per term (Maths, English, VR &NVR)

year 4: £650 + 20%VAT per term (Maths, English, VR &NVR)

year 5 & year 6: £700 +20% VAT per term (Maths, English, VR &NVR)

year 7 and above : £750 +20% VAT per term (Maths, English, Science)


Term Dates:


2025 Spring Term 


Jan: 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th

Feb: 2nd, 9th, 16th

Mar: 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd


2025 Summer Term 


Apr: 13th, 20th, 27th

May: 4th, 11th, 18th

Jun: 1st, 8th, 22nd, 29th

Jul: 6th,  13th,



Place can ONLY be reserved after the termly fee is paid in advance.

Online homework login will be sent after we receive the termly fee payment in advance.

Group discount can only be offered if the names of students are listed in the booking form and all students make the termly payment in advance.

Late Payment Policy:

Late payment charge of £50 per term applies.

Missed Lesson Policy:

If your child missed a lesson, the teacher will provide the homework materials. The teacher will be available to discuss the missed lesson with you in the next lesson. NO payments for the missed lessons will be refunded as the business expenses are not refundable either. 

Course Cancellation & Refundable Policy:

One term cancellation notice is required in writing.

Assessment and Tuition fee already paid is NOT refundable.


Contact Details:


Mobile07923968588 (txt ONLY to request call back)

Centre Address:

Reading Centre  (4+, 7+, 8+, 10+, 11+, 13+, 16+, GCSE, A Level & Afterschool Clubs) 

Tower Room (above the cafe)

Shinfield Parish Council

School Green





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