Moon Tuition 11+ Summer Camp takes place in July & August to prepare the students for their upcoming 11+ exams in early September. The summer is arguably the most crucial stage in their preparation for the exams and it is paramount for their success that they take extra tuition during this period - this is because many grammar schools (including Reading School and Kendrick School) have scheduled their exams at the beginning of September which is straight after the summer holiday. Additionally, we have learnt that in previous years, most students who had chosen to bypass tuition during their summer holidays, had forgotten some of the exam topics thus resulting in a reduction of their confidence and hence an increased level of stress in both parents and students just prior to the exams. As a result, it is highly recommended that students maintain their tuition routine during the summer holidays. Many of our 11+ alumni found our summer intensive course to be very beneficial in improving their results and in building their confidence. 

Please fill out the enquiry form at the bottom of this page for more details about the course.


11+ online Saturday group 11A  (Saturdays UK time 9am-11am & 12pm-2pm)


July: 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th

Aug: 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th


English, VR  (9am-11am) 

Maths, NVR (12pm-2pm)

Prices: (Booking is Non- Refundable)

(10% discount for full payment received by 30/06/2022)

£960 (= £800+ 20% VAT) for all 8 days 

£144 (=£120+20%VAT) per day for individual booking


11+ online Sunday group 11B (Sundays UK time 9am-11am & 12pm-2pm)


July: 10th, 17th, 24th, 31st

Aug: 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th


English Creative Writing (9am-11am) 

Maths Challenge, Interview (12pm-2pm)

Prices: (Booking is Non- Refundable)

(10% discount for full payment received by 30/06/2022)

£960 (= £800+ 20% VAT) for all 8 days 

£144 (=£120+20%VAT) per day for individual booking


2022 11+ Summer Intensive


Class Interested